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Join date: Jan 26, 2023


  1. "I started PLC because I believed that there was major things missing in the current lashindustry. There is currently no other place that teaches you the business side of theindustry, the literal reality you will face once done with your training. With our support anda community of other ambitious women working toward building their empire, you willleave this course confident in your lash skills and business knowledge.Imagine how it will feel to take the first step toward the life you've always wanted, to earnmuch more money, and to be surrounded by women who will support you through everysteps!”Jessica MartelBrand & Education ManagerPREMIERLASH Canadabrand manager& Lash ExpertJessica Martelis out herehelping everyone get the best lash extension education and experience they can. Theysay “Catch a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish he eats for life.” 10-timecertified lash expert Jessica is sharing her expertise and remarkable skills, offeringonline training & classes for people to learn from the comfort of their own homes, readyto start a thriving lash business.Jessica has developed a 20 modules online education for classic application in order orpurpose, and caters to all experience level, touching up on theory and knowledge as wellas technique and business knowledge."Join, explore, and learn with Me!"

Jessica Martel

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